Monday, February 4, 2013

Industrial charity

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One thing that I wanted to highlight for a while now has been the different charitable things people within the goth-industrial scene have done. Although this is drastically not a comprehensive list of nice things that musicians have done ever, this just gives you a taste of their humanity.

Honestly, what finally got me off my duff to write this post is the fact Spider Lilies joined Music for Good on ReverbNation today to give a portion of their proceeds to charity: water, an organization that focuses on making it so people in developing nations have access to potable water.

I:Scintilla gave a portion of their proceeds from the sales of the Dying and Falling EP to help the victims of the 2011 Tohuku earthquake in Japan.

Helalyn Flowers donated music in 2012 for "The Greenlight Bundle" on, which donated proceeds to War Child International, Make a Wish, and the Sandy Hook School Support Fund.

Trent Reznor raised money to help someone pay for hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical expenses incurred from a heart transplant in 2009.

Finally, Emilie Autumn released a charity single, By the Sword, after the events of 9/11 to raise money for AmeriCares and the American Red Cross.

Like I said, I'm probably only just scratching the surface here, but the goth-industrial community does a lot of good things for people. If you know of other musicians who have given to charity or performed other charitable acts, let me know!

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