Saturday, December 29, 2012

Alice in Videoland - "Spaceship"

There are times when blog posts practically write themselves. This is one of them.

Alice in Videoland will always have a special place in my heart, because they were kind of the precursor to my rekindled love for the type of music I'm writing about now. I had been in a bit of a rut, and I had kind of let my industrial-electronica interests simmer on the back burner. Alice in Videoland though, with songs such as "Numb", "We Are Rebels", and "Better Off", got me back in the swing of things. Basically, through the use of music search websites (e.g. Pandora,, etc.), Alice in Videoland led me to I:Scintilla, Freezepop, and Tying Tiffany, and I:Scintilla led me to most everything else. It's kind of odd, since I don't think any of those bands are particularly similar to each other, but I won't look a gift horse in the mouth.

Anyway, one of the only annoying things about AiV is the fact that they don't have a big Internet presence. Their official Facebook page, for example, is not buzzing with activity. It's disappointing, because, at least based on what I've read about them, they seem to be a really cool bunch and would probably be awesome to interact with, if only they'd put themselves out there for fan interaction. I was actually amazed to see them post something a few days ago, which was a link to the video above.

The video for "Spaceship", which I think may have been AiV's first music video, based on Toril Lindqvist's comments, is a prime example of why these people are so special to me. You can tell that they had fun with this video, and I can't help but to think that these people love what they do with every ounce of their being. There are some musicians and musicians who, although they may be talented, they don't appear to really be in love with their craft. Alice in Videoland is does not seem to be one of those bands, at least from my perspective. When I watch this video, I feel the energy that exudes from the band, and I think that's the biggest draw for me. The song is fairly simple, and it's not going to tell you the meaning of life. It's not a throwaway song though. It's fun, and I think the listener is supposed to feel a sense of pure enjoyment.

If you like AiV, or if this post made you interested in AiV, please let them know! I'd like nothing more than to see them do more fan interaction. I think both the band and the fans would get a lot out of it.

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