Sunday, January 13, 2013

Porcelain and the Tramps - "My Leftovers"

Eventually, I intend to go more into detail about Porcelain and the Tramps, because I think the shift of Alaina Beaton's project from Porcelain and the Tramps to Porcelain Black is interesting. But today, I'm going to show off my favorite song by Porcelain and the Tramps, "My Leftovers".

It would have been nice if there was a music video, live recording, or streaming for this song, but this is all there was. Moreover, these songs were offered for free on her MySpace, anyway, and one cannot actually buy these songs anywhere on the primary market. It's physically impossible.

This song is how the narrator wants to teach another woman a lesson about messing around with the narrator's ex. The lyrics are a mix of threatening and taunting, but what I like is the melody and composition. This really is a mix of industrial and pop, which kind of got me thinking about the musical themes I saw in a certain band I mention way too often for my own good.

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